Western Bus Station i Bishkek

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Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996
Latitude: 42.8858712, Longitude: 74.5671989
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Kommentar 5

  • Game Games505

    Game Games505


    Карочи баары дан дан да .. Иши кылып билет алым машинеге тушсон болду да . Анан тата пата ларын айтбай кавеси бар брилярты бар дебей билет алдын бир лтр суу алдын нан болсо нан алдын болду . И машына кутконго эсалганга скамейка же зданиянын ичене отургучтары болсо болду чтоб карангы киргенде ушуп калбагандай . Анан тата мата ларын айтбай .

  • Jean-Sébastien Boucher

    Jean-Sébastien Boucher


    2 police officers working at the bus station came to my girlfriend and I and asked for our passport for no reasons. They brought us then to their station in the back and asked me to empty my pockets on the table. We saw this in other reviews before as it is a way to steal from you while you are opening your things. We then told them we could call the ambassy, which we did. When they saw we were on the phone, they gave back our passports and asked us to leave. DO NOT open your things, just call your embassy if you get in trouble with the police here.

  • KardeşçeTV



    Бишкектин гана эмес Кыргызстандын жүкүн көтөрүп аткан вокзал.Баардык жактарга машина тапса болот.Бирок тартип, тейлөө, ирээт, тазалык жб жактан жетишпеген жактары бар.Кимден ким ушул жагын чечсе, алкыш!!#LocalGuides

  • Elaman Imashov

    Elaman Imashov


    Not the cleanest place in the city, but given how many people go in and out it is understandable. No parking issues, since there is a special place for it, but no one use it instead they prefer to park in the middle of the street.

  • Kent Lim

    Kent Lim


    what can I say...hmmm...its like the bus station back in the 80s in malaysia

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