Tunduk Hostel i Bishkek

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Pereulok Kubanskiy, Bishkek, KG Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996 772 195 094
Hjemmeside: www.tunduk-hostel.kg
Latitude: 42.8438334, Longitude: 74.6238023
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Kommentar 5

  • Samuel Maret

    Samuel Maret


    A bit far from the Ala Too square but situated in an old and residential square near the Ortussay market. A very good place during hot weather of the Kyrgyz summer. And you will certainly enjoy the nice garden with the pool.

  • Ali Rocky

    Ali Rocky


    Beautiful place, it's clean and people are amazing.

  • Raphaël Pagé

    Raphaël Pagé


    One of my favorite hostel in Kyrgyzstan, the staff is amazing!

  • Mike Fuchs

    Mike Fuchs


    Really nice hostel run by a friendly family, with a great vibe. The pool and seating areas allows you to spend the day there relaxing, or if you want to do something with your day, the staff provides helpful information. The rooms are generally clean, and there is a variety of options at a fair price. Very good breakfast, I only missed some butter. The door locks would need some maintenance.

  • Sonja S

    Sonja S


    Very friendly. Nice, clean rooms. Thank you!

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