Smart Hotel Bishkek i Bishkek

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204, Yusup Abdrahmanov Street, 720040, Bishkek, KG Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996 312 976 161
Latitude: 42.879792, Longitude: 74.611527
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Kommentar 5

  • Gloria Olive Bakakunda

    Gloria Olive Bakakunda


    Just like the name, it's a pretty smart hotel

  • Rizwan Ikram

    Rizwan Ikram


    It is a very good hotel. Staff is very friendly and helpful. It is situated at a central location near to markets specially two departmental stores. Banks are also near to change money. You can find bus and taxi easily to move around. It’s breakfast is not very good because it has very limited variety.

  • Sergey Chutkov

    Sergey Chutkov


    It was a good place with a good service and attentive staff. The breakfast might be a bit diverse but still it is good. I recommend the place.

  • Janna Aray

    Janna Aray


    Really cool place for holding meetings. Clean, neat and the food is great. We really enjoyed our time at a conference which was held there. Nice and extremely polite staff, central location, clean toilets.




    A smart centrally located boutique hotel in the heart of the Bishkek city centre. Opposite the Hyatt Regency and ideal for budget tourists ; located next to the famous Indian restaurant "The host" in Bishkek.

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