Raritet i Bishkek

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🕗 Åbningstider

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996 312 664 524
Hjemmeside: www.books.kg
Latitude: 42.8766559, Longitude: 74.604941
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Kommentar 5

  • Janay Tchekosheva

    Janay Tchekosheva


    A very nice, cozy place, where everyone can find any interesting book. Also, I like a kids section with many different educational toys etc. The professional staff will help anytime 😄

  • Denis Step

    Denis Step


    Good bookstore, but prices is quite big.

  • J Dulle

    J Dulle


    This is a great bookstore! Their selection is quite good for most subjects, especially compared to other book sellers in the city. There isn't much in the way of books in international languages, unless they're for learning whatever language it happens to be in, but if you can read (or are learning) Russian, the selection is fantastic.

  • Aza Bey

    Aza Bey


    So nice bookstore, I have a discount, I always buy books from this store.

  • Aiko Ko

    Aiko Ko


    The place has an amazing small museum. And though the collection is small you'll still find it interesting. The owner is an author as well. Cool stuff on history of Kyrgyzstan. As a book shop it can offer most of the latest books.

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