gave wrong information about permits to Torugart Pass.
Wanted to sell a guide in a Jeep for 120 US$ -it is definitely not necessary, even for foreigners
NO Permit - NO Guide necessary, if you want to go straight to Torugart Pass and stay on the A365.
Ilyaz Beck
::Cайкал Бакаева
::Mybeastgoeseast G-Wagon in Asia and Africa
::gave wrong information about permits to Torugart Pass. Wanted to sell a guide in a Jeep for 120 US$ -it is definitely not necessary, even for foreigners NO Permit - NO Guide necessary, if you want to go straight to Torugart Pass and stay on the A365.
Айзат С
::Малика Сеферян
::Надежно, качественно, удобно. Остались довольны организацией экскурсий, все четко согласно намеченному плану.