Red Fox - горнолыжный спорт, зимняя одежда, туристическое оборудование, палатки, куртки i Bishkek

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113, Sultan Ibraimov Street, Bishkek, KG Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996 312 909 359
Latitude: 42.873192, Longitude: 74.618285
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Kommentar 5

  • Dan Bogdanov

    Dan Bogdanov


    Cool place to get outdoor activity staff! Any equipment you need for comfortable trip)

  • Ирина Акулинина

    Ирина Акулинина


    Крутой магазин! Есть все для отдыха

  • Ilyaz Beck

    Ilyaz Beck


    Skiing season has come what means time to go and if you are looking for equipments then you can rent or buy here, a little bit expensive but it worth, almost all size are available here. Salesman is firendly always greet and welcomes you and ready to tell anything about equipments.

  • Win McLaughlin

    Win McLaughlin


    Red fox just moved (just south of Dordoi Plaza). Only place with all the gear but it is expensive.

  • Johannes Stark

    Johannes Stark


    Any one in need of good outdoor gear will find it here. Prices are not entirely low-budget, but good compared to the quality. The employees are very friendly and as helpful as they can, although it is quite hard on them to try to describe the features and specifications of professional material in English.

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