Kyrgyz Concept Travel agency i Bishkek

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126 chui avenue, Bishkek, Kirguistán
Kontakter telefon: +996 557 900 883
Latitude: 42.875812, Longitude: 74.5995811
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Kommentar 5

  • Ilyaz Beck

    Ilyaz Beck


    All Kyrgyz Concept agencies service well, i love their service.

  • Rajneesh vaid

    Rajneesh vaid


    Here you can get best prices for flights.

  • C Delx

    C Delx


    i booked a travel with Kyrgyz Concept travel agency for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and the rate was 5000 euros - so 450 euros per day !! - without international flights - so the price for a very nice trip in Europe or America in very confortable hotels. But with this travel agency, the rate was very very expensive for the services i get. The hotels were 3 stars (means 2 stars in Europe) in large cities and outside it was more than rough and many times very dirty. For instance i slept in a yurt at Son Yuk lake : the woman who turned on the stove took the dried cow dung with her hands and went to work at the restaurant. Not surprisingly, I had an intestinal problem during the night. Near Osh : i entered in the room and i decided to leave as it was indecent and in this guest house, there was only toilets and shower outside. And when you speak of toilets in these 2 countries, it's better to have rubber boots and a respiratory mask as locals, even in their homes, restaurants or guest houses, don't consider it's a place which have to be cleaned at all and the result is really disgusting. So i refused to sleep there and the agency found a hotel in Osh more confortable. In Tajikistan, the guest houses were basic and sometimes : also very dirty and unconfortable with very hard mattress. In Langar, i had the feeling somebody else already slept in my sheets and another tourist had the same feeling, the sheets were as old, patted and patched and of course the toilets weren't cleaned for months and you don't have your own towel but a shared one for all guests and for many days considering the dirt of the towel. In some places, there is no other choices than guesthouses but even in Osh, Concept Kyrgyz wanted to send me in one of them when there was a confortable hotel and i also refused. So their choice was to have the cheapest accomodations possible despite a very expensive rate per day. So even a guest house can be clean, have towels for each guest and fresh linen for every guest. So i get some informations about the rate when i was there : it's around 30-50$ for an hotel in a city and 15-20$ for a guest house. For food, it's far to be the more gastronomic food in the world : i eat only rice, onions, a lot of potatoes and carrots ! so easy to understand that the cost of food was ridiculous. If i add all expenses including the car : it's less than 200 euros per day, so it means the travel agency has a very high level of margin and of course i was very angry for the rate i paid because there was no value for my money. I told them my opinion and they "generously" proposed me to refund 250 euros but i refused as it was ridiculous for the money loss i had choosing them. I prefer to feel free to inform other travelers. So avoid this travel agency "concept kyrgyz" as their rates are too expensive for the services provided. They really don't mind about you : for this guest house in Langar i am sure other guests were also disappointed, so they have been informed, but they continue to book it. I understood that in some locations, there was no other choice than cheap and basic guest houses and at least the room, the bed, the bathroom can be clean and also the problem was these miserable guest houses were charged to the tourists like a 4 or 5 stars hotel in Europe or America and it's abnormal and abusive. This travel agency considers that if you are european or american : you have to pay this high rate as they supposed you can afford for it but they are wrong : all tourists want a fair price and the value for their money or they are disappointed. My advice is to find another travel agency or organize your trip by yourself : there was many tourists traveling on their own and everything is very cheap.

  • Dastan Malaev

    Dastan Malaev


    набираем баллы

  • Khaydar Makhmadiev

    Khaydar Makhmadiev


    Очень красиво оформлено!

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