EVI auto Center i Bishkek

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19, Lev Tolstoy Street, 720007, Bishkek, KG Kyrgyzstan
Kontakter telefon: +996 312 351 515
Hjemmeside: www.evi.kg
Latitude: 42.865671, Longitude: 74.568575
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew S.

    Andrew S.


    Quite expensive, but pretty good service

  • Хан Хан

    Хан Хан


    Не реал дорого лучше пойти новый купить легче деталь. С космоса спуститесь

  • Karl Schlumbach

    Karl Schlumbach


    We had very good experience with this car rental company for our 2 weeks roadtrip through Kygyztan. They spoke good English and had also a translator for the case of an emergency. They answered our questions quickly by email prior our trip. Our car (Toyota Fortuner) was in a very good condition. Also the tyres and suspension were very good. The contract was written in very good English and all quenstions according to insurance and limits were answered by the staff. I can recommend EVI Autocenter and would rent there again. Thanks you and best regards from Germany

  • Juhász Attila

    Juhász Attila


    Flexible but professional rental company. They delivered and picked up the car at the requested spot. Fast and easy paperwork with friendly stuff. Recommended.

  • Tania Keefe

    Tania Keefe


    Extremely professional and helpful service! The vehicle we rented was well maintained and handled the Kyrgyzstan roads with no problems. I would definitely recommend EVI rentals. Tania from Canada, June 2017.

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